That’s right folks this is the new page for our interactive hunt for these notorious serial killers corpses! As of recently the Frontman discovered that these bodies were missing from their graves. Who could be behind this atrocity? That’s what we’re here to figure out. Whatever is happening here with this very specific group of bodies is definitely interesting to say the least, and we want to know what this person is planning to do with these corpses. Follow along here on this page as we discover more of this mystery!

Let’s start by checking out some of the bodies that went missing. Jeff Dahmer was the first one we found missing, we figured it was just because of that Netflix special that came out a while back or whatever but then the situation became even more alarming when we realized how many bodies were missing. Manson, Bundy, Ramirez, Gein, and Albert Fish all also missing from their graves. We checked up on some other famous killers and they’re still in their graves so whoever is snatching these bodies is clearly got something specific in mind they’re looking for in these killers. But why these exact killers and not the others? This is certainly a head scratcher. Stay tuned as we dive deeper into this shithole!



Your almighty powerful Frontman here! It would appear as if my LSD fried eyeballs are incapable of dicifering the titillating mystery of the missing serial killers and I'm starting to have concerns that we may not figure it out alone. I'm no detective that's for sure but maybe if we combine our efforts and each and everyone of you sacrifice your souls to me I'll have the power needed to find this reckless hooligan who's tampering with bodies and not sharing! We've got a handful of shows coming up over the next few months where we'll be exclusively focusing on the serial killers in an effort to get to the bottom of this sadistic debortury! Join us live for all these shows with some sick other bands if you know what's good for ya!


Also! We're currently booking more shows so if you'd like to suffer a ritualistic death be sure to hit us up!


[DISCLAIMER] Your soul will not be refunded by TERATOMA if sacrificed.

That’s Right assholes I run this page now too! You thought you could use your practically non existing fan base to find me? Nice try but I’m now controlling your website and all the connected social media accounts from my super secret undisclosed location! Thanks to your hilariously convenient “Tour Dates” page I now know exactly where you plan on appearing next!  It would appear that I have the upper hand here, surrender yourself now Frontman! Or suffer a slow loosing battle against my RE-ANIMATED SERIAL KILLER ARMY!!

Here’s the deal for all of teratoma’s fans to understand. Your pathetic Frontman doesn’t even understand the true scope of his abilities. He holds the power to shatter a skull with his mind yet chooses to partake in Earthly lusts like alcohol and weed monsters. That’s why I need the Frontman’s head for my UBERMNESH. So I can wield the power of Gods and use it to take over the world! For quite some time now I’ve been exhuming the bodies of some of what I consider to be mankind’s greatest minds: Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, Jeff Dahmer, these are just a few of the people who were given a chance at human life and acted with their true nature with no regrets. You see, humans are fragile and groomed to act a certain way. Only a few of these people actually act on their fantasies to kill breaking the mold and accomplishing our one true purpose. Not only do they do this but embrace it and make it into a sort of art form that countless weirdos will obsess over for years to come. I abandoned my human existence and became altered. It all started with body modifications at a young age, the gradually increased to more sickened thoughts. I was forced, however, to uphold normal human standards and go along with the flow suppressing these urges to kill. That is when I discovered TERATOMA and their ever astonishing Frontman. I found it unbelievable what I was witnessing, this man was mutilating and decapitating whomever he pleased and facing no repercussion. I wanted this power, I wanted to kill. I continued to alter my form over time until I became horribly disfigured. Other scientist’s mocked me, they discredited me saying my RE-ANIMATION serum was full of shit. Well now I’ve perfected it, and I’m in control of TERATOMA’s website! It won’t be long before my final plan is complete and I’ll have the Frontman’s head for my ultimate creation! After this major success I’ll use my powers to kill whoever I want whenever I want with no repercussion! Then once the world is mine I’ll make it free reign for anyone to kill anyone whenever they feel. ACT ON YOUR CARNAL DESIRES! JOIN ME TO DEFEAT TERATOMA AND CONQUER THE WORLD ONCE AND FOR ALL!