One thing that’s always been hard to explain to people is the band’s lore. How did it come to be in the first place? Who is the FRONTMAN? Settle down dumb fucks, this new page is here to descend into the madness that is TERATOMA’s mythos.


It is known that the FRONTMAN was born in 666 A.D. after his mother, a mangled prostitute, was ravaged by a gang of executioners. They managed to birth the baby from the tarnished corpse of his mother and raised it as their own. It wasn’t long before he grew into his own, taming wild beasts and slaughtering any foe they put him against. His mission was to kill, it was in his blood, and nothing could stop him.

For years the FRONTMAN lived on in this medieval world of torture, sex, and over indulgence. A power grew inside him— every life he took was another move towards toppling the flimsy reality he lived in. He needed more power, more chaos to fuel his twisted visions. No longer was torturing innocent souls quenching his thirst for destruction. The FRONTMAN adorned his black hood and gauntlets, then attempted to take control of the government. His attempts were met with swift punishment and he was locked away in the city’s harshest dungeon. Now the FRONTMAN was getting a taste of his own medicine, and for countless years, he lived in anguish. He took this time to dive deep into his mind, reconnecting with traumas he thought to be dead and gone.

Then one day, finally, the FRONTMAN managed to escape from his wretched prison. He fled into the woods where he would live out the next year or two. In this time, the FRONTMAN connected with a magical gypsy who showed him various explicit narcotics. It wasn’t long before civilization found the gypsy’s hut ravaged and thrashed. The FRONTMAN robbed him blind of everything he had, including his life. It was then that the FRONTMAN started to delve into black magic. If he couldn’t take over the world with his bare hands...tapping into some sort of magical abilities was the next best bet.


Eventually authorities took notice to strange occurrences in the woods surrounding the cities. Colorful, raging fires blazed through the night skies and live stock went missing by the dozens. In this time the FRONTMAN managed to establish a following. With his new found abilities and doped out army of lower class civilians, he took to the capital once again. The battle was long and bloody, but once again, inevitably ended in defeat. The FRONTMAN was sentenced to death by hanging to an audience of the traumatized families he had tormented for years. The execution was swift and thorough, and to the citizens’ relief, it all seemed to finally be over. Little did they know, a metamorphosis would begin to take place for centuries after his hanging.


The FRONTMAN was no normal human being. Evil ran through his blood. Once he died, it was clear that there was no place for him in any type of afterlife. For years the FRONTMAN struggled and survived through multiple pillars of hell and purgatory. (He once had to wait at the DMV for a full day without even being helped). In this realm between life and death, the FRONTMAN focused his efforts to bring a bloody, brutal death to the mortal coil as a whole— thus ending life and any type of afterlife as we know it.


while time flashed by in the mortal world, mere days crawled along in the FRONTMAN’s hell. For years the FRONTMAN had been battling altered beasts one after another in the biomechanical hellscape he called home. Something had to give, and one day, cracks to the mortal realm began to shine through. These were the FRONTMAN’s first glimpses into modern life since his imprisonment in the dark ages, granted to him by the digital era. VHS camcorders and musical recording equipment were a new technology the FRONTMAN had never thought possible. By the late 80s early 90s consumer electronics were booming. Practically every household had this technology, making it easier for the FRONTMAN to connect with humans on an individual level. He used his abilities to focus on this unexpected opportunity and began weeding out individuals that would listen to him. This anomaly perplexed computer nerds and tinkerers alike, creating an urge to look deeper into its existence. Could there really be some sort of omniscient force communicating with them through this new found human technology? People began to ponder the existence of a digital God or perhaps even some sort of A.I. mastermind born from this new era of interconnectivity. Yet the whole time, it was the FRONTMAN counting, waiting for a chance to re-enter the mortal world.


As time passed on, the FRONTMAN gathered a technique for communicating with humans through this medium. The result was something wretched and vile, a swirling vortex of evil and hatred audibly comparable to squelching screams and digital distortion. Doom sludge and noisecore punks immediately connected to this and were the first demographic of victims the FRONTMAN would consume. Eventually they began to worship the FRONTMAN and created a ritualistic death metal band that would serve as the vessel for his return. This band would call itself TERATOMA and shroud their faces in black cloth to resemble the emptiness that was the FRONTMAN.


One night at a TERATOMA ritual, something strange happened. As the members shredded their blistered fingers into their strings, faces and souls began shooting out of the speaker cabinets. This violent aurora borealis of magic raged from the speakers until a random crowd member was killed and dropped dead on the venue floor. As their eyes rolled back into their head, their chest cavity burst. The FRONTMAN crawled out from it, covered in excrement and ethereal after birth, and took his place on stage with arms wide open.


Now the FRONTMAN was flesh again and possessed abilities he never knew he had. He could shapeshift into shadows and ambiguous forms. It was also noticeably easier to hypnotize patrons of the show. It seemed as if they were mesmerized by the music the band was constructing from the noises of the FRONTMAN’s return to the mortal world. Boasting a new dead eye, the FRONTMAN adorned his gauntlets and hood once more and began slaughtering people on stage. This feeling was orgasmic to him and the band members couldn’t believe they were getting away with it. Countless times the FRONTMAN has killed and decapitated people on stage, and never once has he been questioned or prosecuted for his crimes. Perhaps it’s his magical abilities, or maybe the mesmerizing music that causes people to forget what they witnessed only moments ago. One thing is for certain— it’s not going to stop anytime soon. TERATOMA is here to stay and the FRONTMAN will live on for a million more years! long live the FRONTMAN, long live TERATOMA!